The definition of Serendipity is having something good occur that you were not looking for or expecting.
Over the last three months hierarchy have been precipitating and orchestrating energetic avenues to open that support collective evolution.
I have been blessed and humbled to find myself being an extremely busy channel for continuing to anchor the phenomenal Rainbow Bridge techniques (and Rainbow Bridge related techniques) nationally and internationally.
Through serendipity, last month I was a channel for hosting an introduction webnair for the Rainbow Bridge techniques to over 60 souls in incarnation in China. A translator was organised for the event and class notes translated as well.
For me the entire experience was surreal. I was delighted to have had the opportunity to spread the good word of the techniques in a different part of the world surmounting language barriers. That was enough. That was plenty.
Apparently, not so.
Over the next two Sundays and a Sunday in January, I will be teaching the first part of the Rainbow Bridge phase One techniques online to a dedicated group of souls in China that are seeking deeper Rainbow Bridge technique teachings.
I’m actually pleasantly surprised at the momentum of grounding these flawless techniques in China.
The full workshop manual has been translated and an interpreter has been organised. Go with the cosmic flow
Wishing all blessings of serendipity!
7-Ray blessings to all,
Chloe ✨
(c) Chloe Folan - Clairvoyant
Irish Mobile +353 (0)83 800 3809