Extracts from the Universal Initiations Document Summary of the 1st Birth Initiation

Please note this is a draft extract and subject to change. This is Chloe Folan’s point of view from all proper source material that she has been able to gather and from continuing clairvoyant case studies.

Sources: 1. Continuing clairvoyant case studies of students subjecting themselves to evolution enforcement techniques. 2. The late Michael Robbins Initiation compilation videos. 3. The Bailey books (proper source books for information imparted by Master D.K) 4.Norman Stevens Phase Three document.

A few people have casually peer reviewed this document for me who have studied the true Innovations or Universal Initiations. It has been strongly suggested that watching the connected You-tube video helps with digesting the very condensed information in this public release document. The video called, Restoring the Divine Blue Print of the 1st Birth Initiation can be viewed here: The 1st Birth Initiation

It is important to remember that the Universal Initiations being discussed have main auramarkers and manifestations. For the 1st Birth Initiation being explored the following auri markers are explored in detail.

1. That there needs to be eight petals open in the heart chakra. This includes all three knowledge petals in the first three rings of the heart lotus (chakra).

2. That there needs to be a clear and deep link between the 1st Birth Initiation and the 3rd Transfiguration Initiation. This is the personality service thread weaving and linking to the third chakra above the soul star chakra and all three petals open in the mental planering of the heart chakra.

3. The conditioning of the orange ray (5th ray) being involved.

4. The initial application of the rod of initiation at the 1st Birth Initiation. This happens usually  around the middle of stage 2 of development.

When reading this document, it is important to remember the following: The Birth, Baptism and Transfiguration Initiations are the Major Initiations.

That initiations overlap.

That there are stages of development between each of the major initiations. There are minor initiations happening between each of the major initiations.

When a major initiation is ending a minor initiation is starting simultaneously. You cannot separate when a major initiation ends and the stages of development for the next initiation begin, because the process overlaps! Initiation is a spiral cyclic process. Each minor initiation and major initiation overlap in graded development stages.

That the 1st Birth Initiation links with the 3rd Transfiguration Initiation.

That the 2nd Baptism Initiation links with the 4th Crucifixion Initiation.

The 3rdTransfiguration Initiation links with the 5th Revelation and 6 th Decision Initiations.

The 4th Crucifixion Initiation links with the 6th Decision, 7th Resurrection and 8th The Great Transition Initiations.

The 1st Birth Initiation is also known as the Lemurian Initiation.

The 2nd Baptism Initiation is also known as the Atlantean Initiation.

The 3rd Transfiguration Initiation is also known as the Aquarian Initiation.

Summary of the Stages of Building the Rainbow Bridge

It is taken as a given that before subjecting oneself to an evolutionary enforcement technique that the central vertical channel or axis from soul star to earth star is efficiently and effectively cleared of all internal obstructions and widened to at least 1 inch in diameter.

“If students will use the Soul Mantram, build the Central Channel, and become anchor points for Hierarchy and transmitters of these vital energies they will serve externalize Hierarchy and to speed the process.” The Rainbow Bridge Phase One–Linkwith the Soul by Two Disciples.

The Rainbow Bridge phase one process is available for free here: Rainbow Bridge Phase One Link with the Soul

Chloe teaches the Phase One techniques in-depth for a small exchange fee here: Rainbow Bridge Phase One Workshops

The Ray Path Healing phase one techniques also heal and cleanse the channel. Chloe is the founder of these techniques here: Ray Path Healing Phase One

Please also remember that it is of huge value to fully study and absorb the free Antahkarana PDF to understand in more detail the stages of development for building the rainbow bride of light (antahkarana bridge). This document was released as part of the externalisation of the 5th ray ashram to give a detailed blue print to all children of light who are receptive to consummating the full proper 3 Transfiguration Initiation, which is the Aquarian Age Initiation.

“The Children of the Dawn will have solutions, and they are the beginnings of the Auroran Race” – Transmissions from Hierarchy.

The Hierarchal Antahkarana PDF document can be downloaded here for free: Antahkarana PDF

The free YouTube series that was created as a study tool to accompany the free PDF is here: Antahkarana Video Series

Please direct all questions and queries to Chloe Folan. Her contact form is here: Contact Form


Building the Rainbow Bridge (the Antahkarana)

Stage 1 (minor initiation)

Your physical birth marks the start of the probationary pathway towards the 1st Birth Initiation.

The Antahkarana thread: The soul to head thread (first portion of the consciousness thread) extends down from the soul star, through the central channel, and anchors into the head. This happens at the physical birth of a baby when the first breath is taken, andit stimulates the tiny thin beginning of the central channel and the gradual opening of the three physical plane petals in the heart centre, which open one at a time. Most often, this opening takes the whole of an adult life to achieve.

The Conditioning Ray: The violet ray pours down from the soul star chakra, clearingout some dense low-grade energy being held, mainly in the first layer of the aura (7th ray conditions the personality intermittently during stage 1). This starts to purify the person's physical levels internally and externally.

Heart Chakra: The three physical plane petals start to open one by one (example; love, knowledge, sacrifice) in the first ring of the heart chakra. The order of the petals opening is determined by the person's ray make-up. These petals opening trigger life events to believe through for maturing one’s understandings for how to harmonise with the physical plane within themselves and without.

Chakras: As stated already the ‘bud’ of each chakra starts to settle into place. During teenage years or early adulthood, the major chakras start to develop more. During stage 1 of 1 development, the four base chakra petals start to open one by one and a small transference of energy can be seen from the base chakra to the third eye chakra. From ‘lower’ base impulses to ‘higher’ mind awareness.

Aura: The first layer of the aura starts to ‘clear up’ a small bit. Fogs and some low grade thought forms clear up in the first layer of the aura mainly.

Practical causation: The person starts to develop basic personal awareness through the main 5 senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, feel). Diet, eating habits, basic hygiene getting to grips with understanding all physical plane aspects of life and relationships (base chakra orientated life lessons).

The antahkarana bridge: Only partially built from earth star to soul star point.


Stage 2 (minor initiation)

Antahkarana thread: The soul to heart thread (first portion of the love/life thread), now extends down from the soul star and anchors into the heart. This triggers the three astral plane petals in the heart centre to open one at a time. When the two soul threads (head and heart) are anchored and all six heart-centre petals open, this marks being fully built to the soul star energy centre/chakra.

The Conditioning Ray: The blue ray (6th ray conditions the personality intermittently. The6thray pours down from the soul star chakra and conditions the person internally and externally on mainly emotional levels of awareness. The blue ray has a stabilising impact on the emotional/astral plane of the personality. Under the stabilising impact of this ray, the emotional body starts to be purified of some low grade/old stuck emotional imprints and thought forms and low-grade astral fogs.

Most adults on the planet have the soul to head thread fully built, the soul-to- heart thread partly built, and three to five heart centre petals open. Most adults look like this to me until they do deeper work to start removing external and internal patterns. The removal, or resolution, of external and internal patterns builds the light body and speeds up the process of antahkarana thread weaving and heart centre petal opening. Until they start removing external and internal patterns, most people reach only the first stage of RainbowBridgebuilding. They become stuck there and can struggle to reach the second stage. But whenI give the Rainbow Bridge or Ray Path Healing techniques to people, they can fully reach the second stage. Working with either Rainbow Bridge Phase One or Ray Path HealingPhase One enables a person to fully build to their soul star, and even to start building their third chakra (stage 3).

Rainbow Bridge Phase One techniques: Rainbow Bridge Phase One Techniques

Ray Path Healing Phase One: Ray Path Healing Phase One

Heart Chakra: The three emotional plane petals open one at a time in the second ring of the heart chakra or lotus. These three petals open one at a time according to the person's star make up. This triggers life events to be lived through that mature the person emotionally and help someone transverse external emotional life challenges as well. This helps the person to internally and externally ‘see’ and perceive their emotional states more clearly through the lower astral realms externally in the environment.

Chakras: As stage 2 is consummated this causes the 6 sacral chakra petals to open one at a time and a small transference of energy to start from the sacral chakra to the throat chakra. From ‘lower’ expression to ‘higher’ expression.

Aura: Mainly the second layer of the aura now starts to clear up. Low grade astral fogs, loose thought forms, old emotional imprints and some emotional complexes start to breakdown and clear up.

Practical causation: The person starts to develop a vague awareness that there are forces that guide and impact our life outside of our basic awareness and control. Internal emotional life lessons with improving emotional health, emotional intelligence and awareness with the personal self and in relationships with others. Mainly sacral chakra orientated life lessons.

The Antahkarana Bridge: At this point the bridge of light is completed from earth star to soul star point.


Stage 3 (minor initiation)

It is important to note that the stage 3 minor initiation is still a part of the Universal 1st Birth Initiation but it’s this part of the initiation process that links the Birth Initiation With the Transfiguration Initiation. In other words, when you are going through stage three (minor initiation), you are simultaneously being prepared for the 3rd Transfiguration Initiation.

The Antahkarana Thread: Now the personality service thread (first portion of the creative thread) starts weaving up from the solar plexus, through the central channel, through the soul star, to link with the abstract mind point in the triad energy centre/chakra, the energy centre above the soul star. This weaving triggers the opening, one at a time, of the three mental plane petals in the heart centre. Three threads woven, plus nine petals opening the heart centre, indicate that the person has built to the triad energy centre in their aura. At this stage, there are only core external patterns and internal patterns remaining.

Properly reducing external and internal patterns causes the threads to weave and heart centre petals to open in a sequenced rhythm. I have found that the Rainbow Bridge techniques are flawless for removing external and internal patterns. Without the RainbowBridge or Ray Path techniques, people would remain stuck just short of properly completingstage 2.

I have seen that other techniques have helped some people to reach stage 3 or come near to stage 4, but they get stuck there. When I check or ask about this, I learn that it has usually taken the person fifteen to twenty years of repeated use of other esoteric techniques to reach stage 3, or get near to stage 4, of building the Rainbow Bridge.

In contrast, I have seen the Rainbow Bridge and Ray Path Healing techniques get people to stage 3 in only a few months, after starting phase one of either technique mentioned.

The Conditioning Ray: The orange ray (5th ray) pours down from the triad chakra and conditions the personality. The 5th ray stimulates the mind and the mental plane of the person.

Heart Chakra: The three mental plane petals in the third ring of the heart chakra now open one at a time (example; love, knowledge, sacrifice). Which petal opens first and the sequence of opening is dictated by the persons ray make-up.

Chakras: The 10 petals in the solar plexus now start to unfold and develop properly. Thisstarts to cause a small transference of energy from the solar plexus to the heart chakra. From mind reactions to more heart centered orientation.

Aura: Mainly the third layer of the aura now starts to clear or clean up. Old mental imprints, low grade thoughts, mental plane distortions and some complexes now start to break down.

Practical causation: The person experiences opportunities and synchronicities for what is more authentic to your service and life in general. Career and personal life. This also deeply heals the link between conscious and subconscious mind. This allows someone to more clearly receive impressions from their own soul and also from the light workers in hierarchy that the ray of their triad links them too. Being more aware of ones thinking processes, how one thinks, healing the mental body. Mainly solar plexus orientated life lessons.

 : At this point the bridge of light is completed from earth star totriad chakra point (hierarchy). This connects the person deeply to their council of light or ashram in hierarchy. For example, if the person has a yellow ray (4th ray) triad, they would describe themselves as an initiate of the 4th ray ashram. Or a first degree initiate of the 4th ray ashram. They would now start assisting with small impressions (little testing steps) for externalising the 4th ray ashram.

The end of the 3 stage (minor initiation), marks the end of the stages of development for the 1st Birth Initiation (1st Major initiation). So, when you have fully consummated the 3 stage of development that marks the end of the 1st Birth Initiation and the start of the stages of development that are a part of the 2nd Baptism Initiation.

At this point of the Rainbow Bridge techniques is when you would offer to teach someone the Rainbow Bridge Phase Two techniques.

The Rainbow Bridge Phase Two techniques are available for free here:The Rainbow Bridge Phase Two techniques

Chloe teaches in-depth Rainbow Bridge Phase Two workshops for a small energy exchange fee. Full details can be found here: Rainbow Bridge Phase Two workshops

Below is an auric plate of someone who has completed stage 3 and is starting stage 4 of building the Rainbow Bridge



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