Integrating the 1st Birth Initiation Workshop
Integrating the 1st Birth Initiation Workshop

On January 5th hierarchy will be releasing the first wave of light code releases of 2025 in connection with the Centennial Conclave!

Integrating the 1st Birth Initiation

In alignment with this, Chloe will be hosting a two-day event class that deeplyexplores and supports the 1st Birth Initiation.

During this two-day class via Zoom the following will be explored:

∙ Meditations and invocations for supporting the activation of stage3of building the rainbow bridge. This stage marks the consummation of the proper 1st Birth Initiation.

∙ The meditations explored help to stimulate and activate stage 3 of building the light body for attracting in what is authentic to your service, strengthening your connection to your light council (ashramin hierarchy) and externalizing the ashram of light that you are connected with.

Even if you are past stage 3 of development, this workshop is of great benefit for teaching you how to activate your light body for the benefits of that stage of development that you have already integrated.

The late Josephine and Norman Stevens (founders of the RainbowBridgeTechniques) wrote about the genuine need to teach 1st and 2nd Degree Initiates how to tap into the gains of building the light body to support personal, group and soul purpose/service. In the Aquarian Age, we will need to continue to adapt to modern life and being modern mystics. The approach to life and Ageless Wisdom teachings needs to be practical, accessible and compatible with modern life, demands and living.

“Ultimately, the goal is for humanity, Hierarchy and the devas to functionasone, in a cooperative endeavour to implement the Plan for the Logos, andthebuild the New Age.” Rainbow Bridge Phase Two – Link with the Soul by two disciples p214.

To attend the 1st Birth Initiation workshops, you must have minimum completed phase one of Rainbow Bridge techniques.

Individual and collective benefits of these intricate classes:

• Activate key points of your light body for attracting in what is moreauthentic for the foundations of your personal and service work andlife. This supports your connection with others around you! ∙ Strengthen your connection to your council of light.

• Learn simple but powerful ways to communicate with your light council and guides.

• Cleanse and strengthen the connection between the conscious and subconscious mind for internal harmony and co creation between those minds and levels of awareness within you. This helps you to connect with others on a mental level in a healthy way and fosters understanding.

• A deep attunement to your triad chakra, through prayer and invocationwork.

• When you are aligned with your core self and the foundations of your service you radiate that light to others (radiating light through your sphere of influence) and inspire others to do the same.

• And much more!

This two-day workshop event being held via Zoom on: January 4th and 5th 2025 from 4pm to 7pm Irish time zone.

The exchange to attend is €60 per person. This includes a detailed booklet handout on the minor initiations and 1st Birth Initiation, a booklet handout on all techniques taught and discussed and the two class recordings. You will have the recording and booklet handouts for life to delve into any time you feel you need that extra support with co-creating in your life with your guides, angels and council of light.

“Thus, the “Descent of the Heavenly Bridge” is the return of the Devic Hierarchy or Descent of the Devas into open contact and cooperation with humanity again. This reinstatement of contact began in 1975 at the June Convocation when nine Devic Masters joined nine human Masters in the organization of the plan for Externalization. Disciples will recall that the Christ is the “leader and teacher of angels and men”. Rainbow Bridge PhaseTwo link with the Soul by two disciples p212 and 213.

You must book and register your place in advance. Please contact me to signup.

Contact Chloe via her website: Contact Me -

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

View 1st Birth Initiation information PDF