February Waning Moon Phase
February Waning Moon Phase

February Waning Moon Phase

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Earth Star Centre Healing; for deepening your connection to the earth (earth, air, fire and water) and to your personality. Gaia is connected with for grounding and personal integration work.


One of the first written accounts of Gaia is in Greek mythology. She is a Greek earth deity who gave birth to all form here on earth (land, plant and animal) and became the earth herself. She wished for a mate as time passed and created the Sky to be her consort (mate). Form her union with the Sky she birthed the oceans, seas and time itself.

Gaia is essentially an archetype that mother earth can be connected with and through. In Greek language archetype means original pattern. Gaia, in this sense, represents and embodies all aspects of mother earth and all that mother earth represents and is.

Our planet nurtures us and supports life, through the elements of earth, water, air and fire. When we are in synch and harmony with ourselves and the eco-system around us, we experience peace and a healthy rhythm of life.

When we are out of synch or balance with a part of ourselves or nature or our eco-system/s, that’s when issues and problems eventually occur.

Connecting with Gaia or mother earth, gives us a chance to re-align our nature; earth (body), water (emotions), air (mind), fire (personal will) and release any deep cellular imprints that are causing discord with being at one with our personal self and world around us.


Chloe ✨

(c) Chloe Folan - Clairvoyant

Extracts from Ray Path Healing Technique work: https://www.chloefolan. com/index.php/healing/ray- path-healing

*If you wish to book a private session via Skype or Zoom for Ray Path Healing with Gaia for Earth star centre development work, please contact:

Website: www.chloefolan.com

Email: info@chloefolan.com

Contact: 083 8003809

*please note I am currently booked out until May 2022*