Overlooking colorful valley with flowers in the foreground and a dramatic skyline
Distance Clearings

Once there has been an initial discussion on what needs to be addressed with an individuals clearing session, a time is booked so the person is aware of when the distance clearing is being done. 

What a clearing session involves 

Clearing any deceased personality attachments the person has or has picked up.* 
Clearing of active unhealthy patterns the person is currently aware of and working on. 
Clearing of any psychic attacks or negative energetic influences the person is suffering from or has suffered from. 
Helping to heal negative belief patterns. 
Clearing of the home environment as well. 

*Sometimes when a person passes away and does not cross over properly (stays on the astral plane), they can attach to living people and this can cause many different health problems.

These problems can include

Blackouts and memory lapses
Major negative personality changes
Extreme emotional random outbursts
Prolonged depression
Suicidal tendencies and thoughts
Dependency on drugs and alcohol

What can be included

The person can be sent healing for financial issues and health issues.
Healing for finding healthier relationships or partner, or healing current relationships. 
Healing for healthier self image or self esteem. 
There are many requests that can be included. These are discussed in the consultation before the clearing is done. 

Please note - As with all Chloe's holistic services, clearings are kept completely private and confidential. Please also be aware that Chloe advocates a balanced approach to all her healing services. Please work with your GP and family doctor as well as part of any recovery plan. 

To book a consultation, or for an appointment please contact Chloe on 087 3129787  or 083 8003809 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.